Each even so mature and detailed elaborated concept, at first remains a theoretical idea of desire in the minds of ist involved developers.
Inependent of your specific needs and our specific role in it, we are firmly convinced, that every concept can be brought to life only with the quality of implementation and that decides on ist success.
In order to provide our customers with the highest level of stringency in the quality of implementation, Consultant-Net is also at service as a high-performance agency partner.
Our performance in parallel with the development of concepts includes the preparation, control and evaluation of all drived measures.
With our experience, we support and accompany you through all stages of the entire training process, before, during and after the actual training - both real and digital: For us, training thus begins well before and ends much later after a concrete measure.
By using digital pre-work and post-work modules tailored to the specific needs of our customers and with help of closed learning platforms, we not only achieve optimal preparation of the participants, but also continue to keep an eye on the decisive transfer into company practice. Through ongoing evaluation and permanent monitoring of training measures on the basis of defined success criteria, apart of creating evidence of success, we also reveal to our customers the levers to be used to optimize future measures in a targeted manner.
Our aim is to offer our clients the highest level of quality and coordination in the training process. If desired, we can take over the entire participant management as well as the agency lead, which is to help integration and control of further project partners.